2021 Second Annual Korean Language Speech Contest – University of Suwon International College

2021 Second Annual Korean Language Speech Contest

  /    /  2021 Second Annual Korean Language Speech Contest

2021 Second Annual Korean Language Speech Contest

Presented by the University of Suwon International College

The International College of The University of Suwon held its Second Online Korean Speech Contest and we are ready to share the results.

130 students from all over the world expressed their interests for the contest and filled out the application form online, among them 41 submitted their videos before the deadline. 12 students made it to the finals and our judges got together on September 26 to score the 12 finalists.

Now, we would like to congratulate the 6 winners of the contest and share their speech videos with everyone.

First Prize:

Abha Bisht (India) (Link)

Second Prize:

Zholdoshbek Batma (Kyrgyzstan) (Link)

Teodora Stevanovic (Serbia) (Link)

Third Prize:

Sofia Zucca (USA) (Link)

Cara Liza Ribeiro (South Africa) (Link)

Shagun (India) (Link)

We want to encourage and thank all participants who have shown their outstanding Korean language skills and love for the Korean language and Korean culture. You are the inspiring motivation to everybody who wants to learn the Korean language!

You can find videos of other participants on the International College Instagram account. Please click the link below:

( https://instagram.com/uswic?utm_medium=copy_link )