The goal of the International College of the University of Suwon is to foster global leaders equipped to become the problem-solvers of the 21st Century by merging Korea’s dynamic and creative energies with the diversity and potential of students from all over the world. In this 21st Century, where making predictions is becoming more and more challenging, the International College of the University of Suwon will cultivate communicative talents reinforced with critical thinking skills so they can lead the development of the world while creatively solving the diverse problems it is facing.
The world in 2020 and onwards is developing into a different shape and direction. The 4 C’s (creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration), which are essential capabilities in this age of the 4th Industrial Revolution, will be materialized through the 3 core values (creative problem-solving capabilities, critical thinking skills, and communicative collaboration abilities) that the International College of the University of Suwon fosters.
Due to the influence of COVID-19, the world is preparing to step into a new direction. Currently, the world we live in is creating a new reality, which is the disintegration of the values of the old world and the establishment of a new set of rules. At this time, having to prepare for a “new normal,” we believe that Korea’s energy and its problem-solving capabilities will influence the growth of the future generation. The International College of the University of Suwon will provide an ideal place and opportunities to experience the new normal based on Korean capabilities and values.